About Me

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Hello dear readers, Today I would like to give you an insight into my life and my passions. My name is Necip Yurddas and I come from Hamburg. After completing my bachelor's and master's degrees at the Medical School Hamburg with a focus on clinical psychology and psychotherapy, I began my professional career at Volkswagen in the change management department. During this time I was able to gain valuable experience and write my master's thesis on the subject of pressure to perform in the white-collar sector. After graduating, I decided to pursue my passion for psychotherapy further. I completed the therapist training at the Hafencity Institute for Psychotherapy and specialized in the field of depth psychology. I have been working with full dedication at the Vitos Clinic for Psychiatry and Psychotherapy since 2018. During my time there, I went through various wards, including the KJP outpatient clinic, the affective ward, the comfort ward and the ward-equivalent treatment. I have had health insurance approval since April 2023 and can offer individual and group therapies. In addition to my professional activity, I have accompanied and helped to shape a large number of projects. For example, I took part in projects on the topic of pressure to perform in the employee sector and developed concepts for companies that deal with leadership and individual interviewing for managers. As a lecturer at the Hamburger Fernhochschule I am responsible for modules such as developmental psychology, psychological diagnostics, general psychology, basics of psychology and introduction to psychology. A special concern for me is the intercultural migration group, which I lead. As the migration officer at the Vitos Klinik, I am committed to offering people with a migration background the best possible support and help. In addition, I work as an expert in the field of medical-psychological examinations and write reports in the field of intelligence for the LWV. I am currently working on my dissertation project on early counseling for Turkish migrant workers and I am involved in other projects to help people and meet them on an equal footing. My goals are to help my fellow human beings and to support them in their personal development. The support of people with a migration background is particularly important to me. I want to help them understand themselves better, discover their strengths and find harmony with themselves. On this blog I will regularly share my experiences, insights and thoughts. You can post on various topics

Respect for Mental Health Fundamental Rights

Respect for Mental Health Fundamental Rights

The person has the right to know what the health problem is and to seek help. No one can be deprived of this right. It is unacceptable for a person who needs help to be locked away without any treatment. The wishes of a person with a mental health problem should not be ignored both in the treatment and support process. The person should be able to participate in the process of making decisions that affect his life. Life experience, age, socio-economic and cultural background are important steps of the treatment process.

Patient Privacy and Confidentiality Must Be Respected

Patient Privacy and Confidentiality Must Be Respected

Confidentiality is one of the most important ethical rules of psychotherapy and psychologists. Psychotherapy is most effective when treated openly and honestly. Therefore, the psychotherapy setting is a process that needs to be reassuring and comfortable to open up. If you have specific concerns about confidentiality or what information a psychologist is legally required to disclose, discuss this with your psychologist.

3. Prepare an action plan

3. Prepare an action plan

It's also crucial to consider the concrete actions needed to achieve your goal, while focusing heavily on your emerging thoughts and mindset. Even the largest goal can be broken down into smaller and simpler steps. You should ask yourself the following questions: > What is the first small step I need to take to achieve this goal? > Are there any new skills I need to learn? > Do I know any experts I can ask for advice?

4. Set your mindset

4. Set your mindset

It is very important to do awareness work at this step. In order to get good vibes, you must first radiate good vibes. This requires you to spend time thinking about and understanding your thought patterns. If you think you're not enough and don't trust yourself, you should first dig deeper and find out why you think that way. Then you have to get rid of these thoughts and create better and healthier thoughts. You should ask yourself the following questions: > What do I need to do to fully believe that I deserve what I want? > How can I control my thoughts?

Discover yourself: The responsibility to discover your inner world is in your hands